January 30-February 3rd @ 3 pm EST

Create Demand Workshop


lori fischer

The 3 step process every business owner goes through to attract new clients (and will help you do the same!)

Two stay in touch strategies that won't make you feel salesy but keep you in front of your best future clients 
on the reg.
A simple formula to sell and market your services on social media, in emails, and in your 
sales calls.

This masterclass is for you if...
  •  You've started networking and telling everyone you know about your business and you thought your inbox and phone would start blowing up with staging requests and it's just not happening as much as you thought.
  • You are so tired of trying to grow your business - and you find yourself wondering if its time to throw in the towel.
  • You feel like you must be doing something wrong & are ready for some guidance to get in front of your clients in a bigger way.

About Me:
I'm a real estate staging business owner just like you!

I started my staging business in 2011 with so much joy and excitement. I was forging a new path for myself!

Little did I know what challenges I would face. 

My local real estate market had no clue what staging was and I had no clue how to market and grow a staging business in a way that felt natural and organic, while being effective.

After a few years of trial and error, lots of training and investment in my business education, and some tears (ok maybe at times, a lot of tears!) I figured out what works. I figured out how to combine the best practices of online gurus to maximize my local, zip code based marketing efforts.

I want to share them with you to help you build your own profitable staging business...are you ready to jump in with BOTH feet and win?
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