Be prepared for any scenario. People ask the darndest things, don’t they? Can you stage tomorrow? Can you give me a discount because I’ll bring you lots of work? Can I pick the furniture you use? If you’re in business…
How to Create Boundary Alignment For Your Home Staging Business
Boundaries are your business’s best friend. One of the joys of owning a Staging business is that you meet so many humans. And one of the challenges of owning a Staging business is that you meet so many humans! We…
Growing A Successful Staging Business Part 3
This is your time! Everything you worked for in the Growth and Accelerate Phases of your staging business begins to come to fruition. This week I’m taking you behind the scenes to see what a Leveraged Business looks like. It…
Growing A Successful Staging Business Part 2
What I learned from LeBron James LeBron says, “You’ve got to want your goal, more than what you want right now.” And honestly, that is literally what kept me going during the second phase of growing a successful staging business–the…
First Phase Of Growing A Successful Staging Business
Growing a Staging Business Begins with the Growth Phase Hey, everybody! Welcome to episode 2 of the Staging Sips Podcast. I’m your host, Lori Fischer, and today starts a three-part series that I’ve put together on growing a staging business….
How To Take Way Better Action In Your Staging Business
What I’ve Learned About Taking Action For My Staging Business We do it to ourselves all. the. time. We know what we need to do to get to our goal (think exercise, eating right, getting a good night’s sleep) but…